- 16-Point Fast Integer Sinc Interpolator.
- 16-to-8-bit first-order dither
- 3rd order Spline interpollation
- 5-point spline interpollation
- Allocating aligned memory
- Antialiased Lines
- Automatic PDC system
- Base-2 exp
- Bit-Reversed Counting
- Block/Loop Benchmarking
- Branchless Clipping
- Calculate notes (java)
- Center separation in a stereo mixdown
- Center separation in a stereo mixdown
- Cheap pseudo-sinusoidal lfo
- Clipping without branching
- Constant-time exponent of 2 detector
- Conversion and normalization of 16-bit sample to a floating point number
- Conversions on a PowerPC
- Cubic interpollation
- Cure for malicious samples
- Denormal DOUBLE variables, macro
- Denormal numbers
- Denormal numbers, the meta-text
- Denormalization preventer
- Denormalization preventer
- Dither code
- Dithering
- Double to Int
- Envelope Follower
- Exponential curve for
- Exponential parameter mapping
- Fast Float Random Numbers
- Fast abs/neg/sign for 32bit floats
- Fast binary log approximations
- Fast cube root, square root, and reciprocal for x86/SSE CPUs.
- Fast exp() approximations
- Fast exp2 approximation
- Fast log2
- Fast power and root estimates for 32bit floats
- Fast rounding functions in pascal
- Fast sign for 32 bit floats
- Float to int
- Float to int (more intel asm)
- Float to integer conversion
- Float-to-int, coverting an array of floats
- Gaussian dithering
- Gaussian random numbers
- Hermite Interpolator (x86 ASM)
- Hermite interpollation
- Linear interpolation
- Lock free fifo
- MATLAB-Tools for SNDAN
- MIDI note/frequency conversion
- Matlab Time Domain Impulse Response Inverter/Divider
- Millimeter to DB (faders…)
- Motorola 56300 Disassembler
- Noise Shaping Class
- Nonblocking multiprocessor/multithread algorithms in C++
- Piecewise quadratic approximate exponential function
- Pow(x,4) approximation
- Rational tanh approximation
- Reading the compressed WA! parts in gigasampler files
- Really fast x86 floating point sin/cos
- Reasonably accurate/fastish tanh approximation
- Resampling
- Saturation
- Sin(x) Aproximation (with SSE code)
- Sin, Cos, Tan approximation
- VST SDK GUI Switch without