Motorola 56300 Disassembler

This code contains functions to disassemble Motorola 56k opcodes.  The code was originally
created by Stephen Davis at Stanford.  I made minor modifications to support many 56300
opcodes, although it would nice to add them all at some point.  Specifically, I added
support for CLB, NORMF, immediate AND, immediate OR, multi-bit ASR/ASL, multi-bit LSL/LSR,
MAX, MAXM, BRA, Bcc, BSR, BScc, DMAC, MACsu, MACuu, and conditional ALU instructions.


  • Date: 2005-05-24 20:33:25
  • By: jawoll
nice! let's disassemble virus c, nord lead 3, ...
Very nice.  How would one get ahold of the OS for one of these synths, to disassemble it?  I've got a Nord Micro, with a single 56303... question is.... how to get the OS from the flash?
  • Date: 2011-07-11 08:58:10
  • By: ach nö
After a first look inside the c file i found out that the header file "Utility56k.h" is missing which is included in the code file...