Noise Shaping Class¶
- Author or source: ude.anaidni@iehsc
- Type: Dithering with 9th order noise shaping
- Created: 2002-04-23 06:49:06
- Linked files:
This is an implemetation of a 9th order noise shaping & dithering class, that runs quite
fast (it has one function that uses Intel x86 assembly, but you can replace it with a
different rounding function if you are running on a non-Intel platform). _aligned_malloc
and _aligned_free require the MSVC++ Processor Pack, available from
You can replace them with "new" and "delete," but allocating aligned memory seems to make
it run faster. Also, you can replace ZeroMemory with a memset that sets the memory to 0
if you aren't using Win32.
Input should be floats from -32768 to 32767 (processS will clip at these points for you,
but clipping is bad when you are trying to convert floats to shorts). Note to reviewer -
it would probably be better if you put the code in a file such as NSDither.h and have a
link to it - it's rather long.
(see linked file)
- Date: 2003-05-14 14:01:22
- By: mail[ns]
I haven't tried this class out, but it looks like there's a typo in the unrolled loop -- shouldn't it read "c[2]*EH[HistPos+2]"? This might this also account for the 3 clock cycle improvement on a P-III.
// This arrangement seems to execute 3 clock cycles faster on a P-III
samp -= c[8]*EH[HistPos+8] + c[7]*EH[HistPos+7] + c[6]*EH[HistPos+6] +
c[5]*EH[HistPos+5] + c[4]*EH[HistPos+4] + c[3]*EH[HistPos+3] + c[2]*EH[HistPos+1] +
c[1]*EH[HistPos+1] + c[0]*EH[HistPos];
- Date: 2005-02-15 15:18:55
- By: moc.tnemarkas@vokiahc
Great class! But I found one more mistake: function my_mod(9, 9) gives 9 instead of 0 (9 % 9 = 0).
HistPos = my_mod((HistPos+8), order);
EH[HistPos+9] = EH[HistPos] = output - samp;
-> HistPos + 9 = 18 (max EH index is 17) which leads to out of array boundary and crash.
So my_mod should look like:
__inline my_mod(int x, int n)
if(x >= n) x-=n;
return x;